My Story

About Me.

This is me, Brent Horne.

A self-made entrepreneur who realized in his early 30's that
working in the corporate world has changed greatly over the last couple of years, and I needed to adapt to obtain a lifestyle that I desired; a life with more time with my family, more freedom to do the things I love, less stress, and to be financially free in a healthier work environment.

I was working at a tech company as a Project Manager making a great salary, but at the cost of longer hours, working on weekends, never-ending emails and chat messages and honestly, never truly being able to separate my
free time and work load.

Constantly feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, fatigue, I noticed a trend within the last 5 years working in the tech industry that I started to feel the same way all the jobs I had thus far. I had to ask myself: “Is this what the rest of my life has in store me?” is this the “norm” that I should expect?

After a handful of internal tug-of-war conversations with
myself (and some frustrating situations at my job) .... I quit my job... and I started living my dreamlife. I work less.... From ANYWHERE in the world... Spend more time doing what I desire... Have more time maintaining and building the relationships that that mean the most to me.

I have more time to pursue my passion, and live the dream
life I have always wanted! And I believe that everyone has the confidence and tools they need to overcome the fear of failure I want others to also know that they do not need to shackled to their 9-5 corporate to create more time pursuing their passion and ultimately live the life they have always DREAMED of.

My Story

About Me.

This is John Doe. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Checkout My Latest Work.

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To Get in Touch

Contact Me.

+1 (518) 400-0149

601 Troy-Schenectady Rd. #1043

Latham, NY 12110

+1 (012) 1234567

123 New York Street

New York, NY 12345

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